新高When Sony Ericsson needed new workers after it relocated its U.S. headquarters to 買屋Atlanta last year, its recruiters told one particular group of applicants not to bother. 室內設計"No unemployed candidates will be considered at all," one online job listing said. The 花蓮民宿cell-phone giant later said the listing, which produced a media uproar, had been a 裝潢mistake. But other companies continue to refuse to even consider the unemployed for jobs 21世紀房屋仲介— a harsh catch-22 at a time when long-term joblessness is at its highest level in 西裝decades. (See TIME's video "What It Took to Create a Job for One Bright Engineer.")去售屋網年Sony Ericsson把總部設在亞特蘭大時招募人員, 居然有人對來應徵者說不考慮”目前是失業人”(吳哥窟換句話, 只考慮想跳槽的人), 此話當然受到抨擊, Sony Ericsson也否認, 不管事實真相為何, 目前好房網美國失業率是十年來的新高!Read more: 烤肉,8599,2073520,00.html#ixzz1NKtwgQa7

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